Choosing a live Christmas tree over a cut one can be a rewarding, environmentally friendly decision. Not only do you get to enjoy a beloved holiday tradition, but you can replant the tree when you’re done and enjoy it for years to come.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Caring for Your Tree Indoors

  1. Move the tree gently side to side and be sure the root ball moves with the trunk as you do this. The base of the trunk should not move around inside the root ball, which is indicative of damaged roots.[1] If this is the case, you should not attempt to plant your tree because it is unlikely to survive.
  2. Buy your living Christmas tree as close to Christmas as possible, and plant as soon as possible afterwards. The longer your tree stays inside, the more it’s exposed to drying conditions that will weaken it.
  3. Near a window is best so it can still receive light and cool air, but keep it out of direct sunlight. Avoid putting it near a heating vent, fireplace, or stove.
  4. Daily watering is necessary to keeping your tree healthy. Try putting ice cubes on top of the root ball daily to achieve a more gradual and steady watering as they melt.[5]
  5. Allow your tree to acclimate back to the cold after spending 1-2 weeks inside your warm home. Place it outside, in a cool sheltered spot like a front or back porch and leave it there for about a week.[6]
    • Continue watering it daily during this time.
  6. Research the type of tree you have and its growth potential. Make sure it won’t outgrow the spot you choose for it. Look for a sunny spot that’s several feet from your house or any fencing since roots and limbs could eventually cause problems for these structures.[7]
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Digging the Hole

  1. In colder climates, the ground will freeze if you wait until Christmas to dig the hole, so plan ahead and do this in the fall.[9] If you’ve waited too long to dig and the ground is already frozen, try pouring boiling water onto the spot and then digging.
  2. Using a shovel, dig a hole twice as wide as the size of the root ball to give the roots a chance to spread.[10] But don’t go any deeper than the height of the root ball, since you don’t want it too far below the soil level. Having it slightly higher than the soil around it will help with drainage.[11]
  3. Don’t dispose of any of the dirt you dig out of the hole. You’ll be using this later to fill the hole back in. It can be left outside under a tarp or placed in a garage or shed.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Planting Your Tree

  1. The root ball of your tree may have been wrapped in burlap or plastic, so be sure nothing remains wrapped around it when you’re ready to plant.[12]
  2. This may require two people depending on the size of your tree. Try to get it as close to centered as possible inside the hole you dug. Hold it upright so it doesn’t fall over before you can fill in the hole.
  3. Shovel the soil you dug out of the hole back into the empty spaces around the root ball of the tree. Tamp the soil gently, but don’t pack it in tightly.[13]
  4. Moisten the soil around the tree with a hose or watering can. You do not need to use any sort of fertilizer – just plain water will do.
  5. Add a couple inches of mulch around the base of the tree as an insulating layer.[14] You can also gather old leaves and place them on top of the soil for a similar effect.
  6. Observe the tree for the rest of the winter season. If your winter conditions are dry, occasionally water the tree to keep moisture near the roots. Once the spring growing season begins, water the tree regularly if you aren’t getting a lot of rain.[15]
  7. Place one or two stakes around your tree – away from the roots but still within the mulched area. Tie the tree to the stakes using a flexible material like canvas straps. The stakes can be removed after about a year.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How long can I keep my Christmas tree inside if I want to plant it outside after Christmas?
    Matt Bowman
    Matt Bowman
    Gardener & Owner, Tradition Market & Garden
    Matt Bowman is a Gardener, Landscaper, the Owner of Georgia Farm to Table, and the Owner of Tradition Property Services in Atlanta, Georgia. With over 20 years experience, he specializes in organic gardening, landscape maintenance, handyman services, homecare services, and supplying Christmas trees. Matt earned a BA in Journalism from the University of Georgia.
    Matt Bowman
    Gardener & Owner, Tradition Market & Garden
    Expert Answer
    The only way to keep a Christmas tree ready to be planted outside is to purchase a tree with a root ball, and keep it inside for no more than 6 weeks. However, success can still be spotty, just due to wear and tear from decorating the tree and then the process of planting it outside.
  • Question
    Can I plant a Christmas tree near my house?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. Just make sure it's far enough from your house it won't destroy the foundation of your home.
  • Question
    Will my tree survive if it's losing needles?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Lots of trees do lose needles, but most survive.
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  • If you live in an apartment, or have no space to plant outdoors, you can buy a smaller sized living tree, plant it in a suitable container and keep it on the terrace, deck, or patio and bring it indoors for the following Christmas.


  2. Matt Bowman. Gardener & Owner, Tradition Market & Garden. Expert Interview. 21 April 2020.
  3. Matt Bowman. Gardener & Owner, Tradition Market & Garden. Expert Interview. 21 April 2020.
  4. Matt Bowman. Gardener & Owner, Tradition Market & Garden. Expert Interview. 21 April 2020.
  8. Matt Bowman. Gardener & Owner, Tradition Market & Garden. Expert Interview. 21 April 2020.

About this article

Matt Bowman
Co-authored by:
Gardener & Owner, Tradition Market & Garden
This article was co-authored by Matt Bowman. Matt Bowman is a Gardener, Landscaper, the Owner of Georgia Farm to Table, and the Owner of Tradition Property Services in Atlanta, Georgia. With over 20 years experience, he specializes in organic gardening, landscape maintenance, handyman services, homecare services, and supplying Christmas trees. Matt earned a BA in Journalism from the University of Georgia. This article has been viewed 163,182 times.
6 votes - 87%
Co-authors: 17
Updated: October 9, 2021
Views: 163,182
Article SummaryX

To plant a living Christmas tree, move your tree to a sheltered outdoor area 1 to 2 weeks before planting. Then, dig a hole that’s twice as wide and just as deep as the tree’s root ball. Place your tree in the hole and secure it with the soil you dug up. Moisten the ground around the tree, then add 1 to 2 inches of mulch. To help it stay up, place 1 or 2 stakes around the tree, away from the roots, and tie them to the tree with canvas straps or another flexible material.

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  • John Brown

    John Brown

    Nov 21, 2017

    "Liked the details about how to plant out and care required to keep it in the best condition."

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