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Welcome to the Basic Psychic and Spiritual Development Exercises. The exercises presented here, if practiced faithfully, will without question heighten your present psychic abilities, and/or help you to develop your latent abilities. Most advanced psychics will already be familiar with and practice some variation of these exercises and others in the same genre.

But these pages are not presented for the benefit of the advanced metaphysicians and practicing psychics among us. They are welcome to use them of course, but they are titled " Basic " because the exercises can be used to great advantage by the greenest neophyte to help them on the beginning of their path, and by all those who are in various stages of their psychic development and yearning to move forward.

I've presented the Exercises in Four Steps. They are:

    Step 1: The Basic Light Attunement
    Step 2: Attuning the Chakras
    Step 3: Balancing the Chakras
    Step 4: Your Personal Psychic Shield

After becoming familiar with the exercises, the practitioner can use them in a number of permutations, as they feel necessary for their personal requirements. For most, The Basic Light Attunement should be done twice daily, in the morning upon arising and at night before retiring. Steps 1, 2 and 3 combined perhaps once or twice a week. The Personal Psychic Shield should be a regular part of the daily morning routine at the minimum, and if you are engaged in psychic work of any nature, particularly in healing work, as often as felt necessary.

For those who have never practiced these exercises or anything similar, I recommend the following schedule. You may vary these times and sequences as you wish, but it is necessary to become completely familiar and comfortable with each exercise before moving on to the next one. This will provide a sound foundation for any future psychic work you may later undertake, so don't short yourself by being in a hurry now. On the contrary, this is the time to be slow and methodical, learning and experiencing to the fullest. If anyone will follow this schedule I can promise they will be a much different person upon completion.

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Week 1: Start with the Basic Light Attunement, twice a day for four days, then three times a day for three days.

Week 2: Continue with the Basic Light Attunement at least twice a day, now adding Your Personal Psychic Shield in the morning. You might try re-inforcing the Shield several times throughout the day.

Week 3: Every other day during this week, four days in all, in the morning do Steps 1, 2, and 4, evenings Step 1. On the alternate three days just do the Week 2 routine. DO NOT do Step 2 more than once a day. Done properly it is very powerful and your power centers need the time to adapt and develop.

Week 4: Carry on with the alternating days routine of Week 3.

Week 5: This week, take a rest from Step 2, repeat Week 2 for this week.

Week 6: Now you can start doing all the exercises, Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 in that order on alternating days. Week 2 routine on the other days.

From now on you can continue on with whatever routine you feel comfortable with. Have your noticed any differences in your personal life, in your health, in your demeanour?

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Take your time doing the exercises, particularly when first starting. Take the time to actually " feel " the Cosmic White Light softly falling on your head and shoulders during the Basic Light Attunement. Take the time when doing the Chakra attunements to " see " the colours of the flames as they grow and whirl. As you grow accustomed to the exercises they will become like second nature to you.

If you have a recorder that will tape your voice, try recording the exercises, and then listening to them in your practice sessions. Chances are that after doing them for a week or so, you will have them memorized perfectly.

It's most helpful if at first, you have some quiet place where you can do your exercises. By the end of Week 6, you will be able to do the Basic Light Attunement and the Psychic Shield exercises in the middle of a crowd; anywhere and anytime you feel the need of some extra energy or protection.

If you have any questions on any of the material in Phase 1 and have registered, please feel free to send me an e-mail at any time, but first check the Frequently Asked Questions in case it has already been answered.

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STEP 2&3

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