Bloodborne Pathogen Quiz
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1) If you are exposed to potentially infectious materials on the job, you may request a vaccination for which bloodborne disease? *
2) Which of the following fluids MIGHT contain bloodborne pathogens *
3) It is not necessary to wash your hands after cleaning up blood , if you were wearing gloves. *
4) Bloodborne pathogens may enter your system through which of the following paths? *
5) You should treat all body fluids as if they are infectious and avoid direct skin contact with them. *
Treating ALL body fluids as infectious material is called..... *
7) If blood from another person splashes in your eye, flush the eye with clean running water for *
8) How long could the Hepatitis B virus live on a hard surface if blood is not cleaned up properly? *
9) Which of the following are symptoms of Hepatitis? *
10) Where is the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard kept in the school building? *
11) Where is the appropriate place to dispose of a bloody finger bandaid? *
12) The HIV virus can potentially live on a hard surface for... *
13) A coach has a bloodborne exposure during an after school sports practice. The best course of action is to.... *
14) Which is true about the Hepatitis B vaccine? *
15) How often should I check my classroom supplies of gloves, gauze and bandaids? *
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