Positive Behavior & Expectations Family Survey
Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback will be used to assist in the development of the Canton City School District's Positive Behavior & Expectations Framework. 

Please answer the following questions as honestly as you can. There are no right or wrong answers; your answers will not be connected to you. Try to answer every question. If a question bothers you or you do not want to answer it, just skip it.

Please read the directions before each section and read each question carefully before you respond.

If you have children in more than one building you may either combine responses or complete the survey once for each building.

Please select the school(s) your child attends. *
Rate each of the statements below using the following scale: 1 - Never, 2 - Rarely, 3 - Sometimes, 4 - Often, 5 - Quite Often
 NeverRarelySometimesOftenQuite Often
1. Your student has received consequences (detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, etc.)
Rate each of the statements below using the following scale: 1 - Strongly Agree, 2 - Agree, 3 - Uncertain, 4 - Disagree, 5 - Strongly Disagree
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUncertainDisagreeStrongly Disagree
1. Expectations and rules are clearly stated for students throughout the school.
2. Overall, I understand the way students receive consequences for breaking rules in the school.
3. I agree with the student expectations and consequences for breaking the rules in my school.
4. Student rights (for example, being treated with respect) are clearly communicated.
5. Student responsibilities (for example, behaving respectfully) are clearly communicated.
6. Parent rights (for example, being treated with respect by school staff) are clearly communicated.
7. Parent responsibilities (for example, behaving respectfully to school staff) are clearly communicated.
8. Student consequences for behaviors are clearly defined.
9. Student expectations and consequences have the best interest of students at heart.
10. Student behaviors & expectations are taught directly in school.
11. The school’s approaches to student expectations and consequences help prevent future problems.
12. The school’s student expectations and consequences improve student behaviors.
13. Student consequences are fair (punishment fits behavior).
14. The school communicates expected behaviors to families.
15. School staff communicate consequences to families in a timely manner.
16. Student behavior issues are addressed in a timely manner.
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