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Sync License Artist

Cosmic Hip Hop

Certified Tibetan Sound Healer


Cosmic composer and lyricist ELE47N, Rommel David Edin, started writing rhymes as a way to continue the message of his good friend and rapper, the late Pro Era Founder: Capital STEEZ. The sudden death of this young rising star catapulted ELE47N into creating music. A Brooklyn native, ELE47N is a steward of the Earth and regards food as medicine while integrating Tibetan Sound Healing as the key to living a balanced, high-vibrational lifestyle. Through his poetry, melodic beats, and colorful expression of self, people are called to tap into a way of being that is not ruled by a finite sense of time and perception but rather by the ability to live in harmony with the true Creative Nature of our existence. ELE47N is currently working on on the terms of his first sync license while also creating music to be pitched for the TV show DMZ, directed by Ava DuVernay.


BORN in Brooklyn in 1994
BASED in the Bronx, NY
Cosmic Hip Hop
Instrumental | Synth Music 
Sound Scapes

Sounds like:
Andre 3000
Kendrick Lamar
Asher Roth
Adam Lastiwka
Moods: Transformative, mind bending, ominous, dramatic, mysterious, uplifting 
Label: Independent artist

This video is a visualizer for "Emissary of the Earth".
The last track from the debut EP The Art of Time.
Infusing mantra's with rhymes, ELE47N contemplates and questions: "In a world filled with leaders of all kinds, who will speak on behalf of the Earth?"


Debut song from ELE47N. The message is that humanity is shifting into a new time. It calls for the people to tune into themselves and the true nature of reality. Out of evolutionary necessity, human beings are shifting from an artificial frequency where -Time is Money- into natural time where
Time is Art. Released on the Day out of Time:
July 25th 2020, according to the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar.


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