Humans Learn To Catch Food In Their Mouth All In The Name Of Fritz The Dog

    Mouths are freaking worthless.

    Fritz's failure to catch food in his mouth has caught on. Now these people are trying to catch food in their mouths. They try their mouth at catching anything from a cookie to a burrito... see if they are just as bad as Fritz:

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    First, we had a human try to catch a cookie...

    Next we went for a frisbee...

    Not even a pizza could be successfully caught!

    Or a taco...

    And while her donut catch was a failure, Her face was EVERYTHING.

    Does this burrito catch count as a WIN?

    But this salad FAILED her.

    This pie tho...

    But, just like Fritz... SIZE DOES NOT MATTER! Look at that french fry go right in there...

    🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌