''Scholars have meditated upon it, children delight in it. A book forphilosophers and for the folk, it has been reprinted more oftenand in more places than any other Jewish classic.''
Y. H. Yerushalmi in Haggadah and History, 1975

Jewish Digital Humanities

English Haggadah Translations

Visualizing the English Translations of the Pesach Haggadah from 1770 to Now

This blog is part of research Dr. Avraham Roos did for his PhD studies at the University of Amsterdam, Holland. His supervisor is Prof. dr. L.W.M. (Rens) Bod - Computational and Digital Humanities (UvA) and co-supervisor is Prof. Tom Cheesman, (former) Professor of German, Languages, Translation and Communication at Swansea University, Wales UK (graduated 7/7/2022).

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Contact me at: avrahamroosATgmail.com

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