Friday, August 17, 2007

So I dream about my old professor

I am achy for Athens, Ohio anyways and this dream just made me most likely drive there soon. I have this land that is absolutely beautiful and we should camp there if I only liked things like that. I have many friends and beers that miss me there I am sure.
I was dreaming of Mark Halliday. We were at Target and there was a small storm... this is not important.
Halliday was one of my favorite parts of studying creative writing...He is this amazing man who spins out poems that are right under my skin years later. I think he has no idea that he turned me on to amazing poets and opened my eyes wider than moons. He helped me craft a bit more subversiveness into my poems and dip my toe in the kind of writing that might not feel good at kind with the truth...He rocked and I also have a vague recollection of him introducing me to Ken Koch at Casa Nueva...Oh My God! I got to chat to that man over huevos rancheros and I think my rose got red. I was a lucky girl. So, a part of my retirement from daily grind was to turn back to the writing life. I have been writing in my head for so many years...but tonight I will draft a poem for Mark Halliday. I might even mail it to him. We all like envelopes from the past.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. What a nice, cozy memory.


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