MEENAH: sooooo

MEENAH: megido

MEENAH: here we are again

MEENAH: i guess


MEENAH: please tell me this reunion is as awkward for you as it is for me


MEENAH: not gonna say nofin huh

MEENAH: just going to stand there and leave me wrigglin on the hook during this frosty silence

MEENAH: come on you nutty bitch at least do SOM-EFIN to break the ice



MEENAH: hey you didnt by any chance kidnap nitrams lusus did you

MEENAH: or steal all his dorky fiduspawn loot

MEENAH: i thought we were past this

MEENAH: dont tell me youre still tormenting the guy even after eternity

DAMARA: あなたのデュアルフォークを取る。二回自分自身をファック。

MEENAH: do what to myself twice with my double W)(AT exactly??

MEENAH: cod damn your weird accent is thick as ever

DAMARA: あなたに性的快感を与えるために十分な厚さではない。

DAMARA: あなたはあなたの言葉で私を退屈続けるのだろうか?または。あなたは私の服を脱ぐのだろうか?

DAMARA: 私はあなたの歯の間に私の乳首を感じるようにしたい。


MEENAH: did you just tell me to bite something or

MEENAH: screw it i give up

MEENAH: language barrier be a fuckin motherglubber


MEENAH: hey so guess what! im building an army to kill lord ahahahaha


MEENAH: like you could give a fuck about saving reality and or wouldnt just be a huge backstabbin liability out there

DAMARA: 十分に公平。

MEENAH: but just for shits an cuttles uh

MEENAH: been sorta wondering

MEENAH: back when we like

MEENAH: kind of ruined each others shit

MEENAH: because of that whole cycle of revenge deal

MEENAH: and i ended up dyin and god tiering and all

MEENAH: remember that

DAMARA: 私が覚えている。

DAMARA: 時々私は、そのメモリに自慰行為。

MEENAH: aight not sure i followed that but ill assume it was more weird skanky sass

MEENAH: but what i want to know is

MEENAH: after the fight

MEENAH: did i hurt you bad enough that you maybe

MEENAH: crawled off and died somewhere

MEENAH: like in a quest cocoon


MEENAH: were you maybe all bloodied up from all those forkins

MEENAH: and then maybe along comes a friend with a maddening inability to hold a grudge against you for the ways you fucked him over

MEENAH: maybe trotting along in his new robo horse body and swooped your bloody torso up on his back

MEENAH: galloped off to your cocoon and draped you on the slab while probly not havin the nerve to finish you off

MEENAH: this ringin any bells

DAMARA: 性交あなたは何を話している?白痴雌犬。


MEENAH: holy mackerel gettin info outta yous like prying a pearl from a slutty murderous clam

DAMARA: ハマグリは、真珠を生成しません。あなたは海の何も知らない。

MEENAH: yeah i know clams dont make pearls!!! look i just misspoke it was a hasty burn ok

MEENAH: dont be calling out my authority on the ocean dmeg you know i got all watery junk on LOCK

MEENAH: who you think you tryin to rile up with that amateur noise

DAMARA: あなたは非常に怒っているように見える。性交をチルアウト。のはお互いに触れてみましょう。私と一緒に投石入手してください。

MEENAH: omg i cant understand you

MEENAH: chill out and do W)(AT with you...

MEENAH: going to ask again as simple as i can


DAMARA: 正確にどのくらいの。あなたは知りたいですか?水のビッチ。

MEENAH: damara

MEENAH: if horrible conversations was a video game you would truly be last boss

MEENAH: now where the fucks aranea and her lil windbag stand lets just get this jam over with already

DAMARA: あなたは私になりたいですか?

DAMARA: あなたは私にはできません。あなたは私を理解できない場合。

DAMARA: さらに。あなたは私にはできません。あなたは私を性交することができない場合。

MEENAH: ummm yeah no idea what you said

MEENAH: guess someone who speaks your gibberish needs to ask

RUFIOH: hey doll... don't suppose you had anyth1ng to do w1th the recent d1sappearance of my lusus, d1d you?

DAMARA: もちろんそんなことはない。あなたの告発は言語道断。

RUFIOH: yeah... sure... l1ke 1 bel1eve that!

RUFIOH: l1ke 1'm not so on to your tr1cks by now...

DAMARA: 黙れ。そう。あなたはまだ彼と別れたのですか?

RUFIOH: no... not yet...

RUFIOH: 1 tr1ed... but 1 just couldn't do 1t... 1t's hard, you know?

DAMARA: あなたは、どういう意味ですか。それは恋人があなたを裏切ったときに感じる?はい、私は知っている。

RUFIOH: d*mn... so cold, g1rl. why can't you let the past go?

RUFIOH: anyway... once 1 actually do get up the nerve to break 1t to h1m... don't be th1nk1ng th1s 1s your b1g chance w1th me!

RUFIOH: 1t's over between us for good... k1nda for obv1ous reasons... so just fr1ends, you d1g?

DAMARA: 右。我々が表示されます。

RUFIOH: haha... yeah, 1 f1gured you'd be l1ke that.

RUFIOH: anyway, meenah k1nd of needs to keep go1ng through th1s bubble... 1 know you l1ke to make sh*t d1ff1cult for everyone all the t1me, but...

RUFIOH: you th1nk you could get r1d of that b1g *ss 1ceberg th1ng you dropped there?

DAMARA: いいえクソ方法。

RUFIOH: aw, come on... do 1t for me, damara?


RUFIOH: hahahaha... wow... alr1ght uh... maybe? just go...

HORUSS: 8=D < Oh, hello Damara. I heard you were having a mechanical issue with your chest over here. Mind if I take a 100k?

DAMARA: あなたは私の胸をいつでも表示することができます。

HORUSS: 8=D < I... think you said yes? Sorry, I really struggle with your coarse lowb100d accent.

DAMARA: 私のおっぱいの上にミルクを注いでください。

HORUSS: 8=D < I didn't quite understand that either. Something about milk? Served to you in a particular way?

HORUSS: 8=D < Yes, if you would like some milk, I can bring you some later. I'll just need to equip my steam powered deSTRENGTHening gloves so that I may hand you the glass without shattering it.

DAMARA: ない。手袋を着用しないでください。私はそれがラフ好きです。私の体を押しつぶす。馬男。

HORUSS: 8=D < I really need to finish my universal translation device so we can have a more coherent conversation. It's just so difficult to get the circuitry to function correctly when one insists on relying on steam power.

DAMARA: あなたは、幽霊のような私の性器が性的クライマックスを持っていることを確認してください。あなたの幻の馬のペニスでそれを行う必要があります。

HORUSS: 8=D < You want me to bring your what to what e%actly with my what?

DAMARA: 私の裸の底にあなたの汗まみれの顔をこする。

HORUSS: 8=D < Hmm. I...

HORUSS: 8=D < Sure?

DAMARA: 私はあなたのアジアの女子高生です。ズタズタに私の服を減らすことができます。あなたは私を喜ばせる必要があります。あなたのホーンを使用してください。

HORUSS: 8=D < Do what with your schoolgirl uniform?

HORUSS: 8=D < I wouldn't want to do anything to ruin it. It's quite nice.

HORUSS: 8=D < But perhaps I could craft a robotic avatar for you, emulating your fashion choices. Actually, if I did that, I could install more sensible speech algorithms, so that I could understand you for a change.

DAMARA: 静かにしています。黙って私をファック。

HORUSS: 8=D < Um. *Cough.*

DAMARA: 私の体内に入る。または。私はあなたを破壊するだろう。

HORUSS: 8=D < Damara, forgive me if I'm leaping to conclusions, but has the nature of your cryptic remarks been leaning... well...

HORUSS: 8=D < A little b100?


DAMARA: あなたは私になりたいですか?

DAMARA: あなたは私にはできません。あなたは私を理解できない場合。

DAMARA: さらに。あなたは私にはできません。あなたは私を性交することができない場合。

HORUSS: 8=D < Come again?

HORUSS: 8=D < I suppose Rufioh should ask. He's always been the only one who can parse your vulgar, peasant tongue.

RUFIOH: gotta be honest damara... 1 been feel1ng pretty bad...

DAMARA: なぜですか?

RUFIOH: um... you can keep a secret, r1ght?

DAMARA: はい、もちろん。私はあなたの友達です。

RUFIOH: yeah...

RUFIOH: 1t's horuss... and you know... been th1nk1ng about break1ng 1t off w1th h1m...

DAMARA: 何を壊す?彼のホーン?

RUFIOH: hahaha! naw... that wouldn't do much good...

RUFIOH: 1 mean... 1 feel l1ke a chump for even th1nk1ng about 1t... he's been so cool...

RUFIOH: but d*mn! etern1ty 1s a long f***1ng t1me!!! 1 dunno 1f a relat1onsh1p should really last that long...

DAMARA: あなたのセックスライフはどうですか?

RUFIOH: whoa, uh... k1nda personal quest1on? anyway that's not 1t...

RUFIOH: 1 feel gu1lty for say1ng so... 1'm just not 1nto 1t... so many repet1t1ve dates over the m1llen1a... so much l1ke... talk1ng about l1vestock and b1g muscular an1mals and... 1 dunno. those aren't really my 1nterests...

RUFIOH: maybe we were never that compat1ble and 1 just never had the guts to say so?

DAMARA: RUFIOH。私はあなたにこのことを告げた。毎日。永遠に。

RUFIOH: 1 know, 1 know... 1 d1dn't l1sten to you... 1 f1gured you were st1ll all mad and jealous!!!

DAMARA: 私は怒って嫉妬した。

RUFIOH: r1ght... 1 just don't know what to do.

RUFIOH: he's great... but he's so cl1ngy! 1 don't know how he keeps that up after all th1s t1me... dude's got stam1na... 1'm just l1ke... romant1cally exhausted. you get me, doll?

DAMARA: はい。愛が私には死んでいる。ので、誰かがずっと前に、心臓を介して私を刺した。

RUFIOH: heh, touche.

RUFIOH: but for real... 1 just don't want to hurt h1s feel1ngs...

DAMARA: あなたは私が彼を殺したいですか?再び?

RUFIOH: no!!! god, no... don't hurt anyone... let's not go there aga1n!

DAMARA: 私が彼を誘惑したいですか?

RUFIOH: er... 1 guess 1f the two of you are l1ke... um. that's really between you and h1m? not sure he would go for that... anyway, 1 don't th1nk that would actually help me...

DAMARA: 私は彼の魂を消費するために悪魔をもたらすでしょう。

RUFIOH: man, no! 1 told you, please don't feed anyone's soul to ANYBODY!!!

RUFIOH: you've got to keep crazy talk l1ke that down, damara!

RUFIOH: 1f people knew some of the sh*t you sa1d... how you say crazy sh*t l1ke you want to serve h1m... f***!

RUFIOH: 1t wouldn't be cool... people would fl1p...

RUFIOH: h*ll, d1dn't you hear meenah was try1ng to ra1se an army to k1ll h1m?

RUFIOH: 1f she could hear some of the th1ngs you told me... sh*t... 1 can't ever let her f1nd out...

RUFIOH: 1f she knew, you'd both start f1ght1ng aga1n...

DAMARA: あなたは必然だけを遅らせる。

DAMARA: 私たちの終了時間が近いです。

DAMARA: これ以上のゲームはありません。馬男。今私をファック。

HORUSS: 8=D < E%cuse me?

DAMARA: HORSEAPONIまたがっ私を曲げる。あなたは私がハードファック。HORSEYスタイル。

HORUSS: 8=D < Oh! I see you've taken an interest in this fine, albeit diminutive steed given to me as a gift earlier.

HORUSS: 8=D < Isn't it wonderful? I shall feed it many an apple and it will grow to be STRONG.

DAMARA: 私にリンゴを養う。その後、私の髪をつかむ。あなたはチャンピオンのように私に乗るだろう。

HORUSS: 8=D < I don't... do what with your horns? Ride what, now?

DAMARA: のバケツを埋めることができます。その後、内容がスプラッシュ。私の体の上にすべての。次に干し草の山に私を投げる。

HORUSS: 8=D < You want me to... something about... hay? Hm.

DAMARA: 私はあなたのホーンを吸うことができます。同時に、あなたは私のお尻を平手打ち。リズミカルにそれを行う。また。いななく。

HORUSS: 8=D < You would like me to perform... what rhythmic behavior, e%actly? While making which animal noise?

DAMARA: 私のすべての反復をファック。性的エクスタシーを体験する私たちのすべてを引き起こす。私たちは一斉にオーガズムましょう。

HORUSS: 8=D < Do what with... wait... all of you? Wouldn't that be quite a lot of Damaras, regardless of the activity you are trying to describe?

DAMARA: 清潔なタオルで私を包んでください。私は農場の動物のようにうめき声をしなければならない。

DAMARA: 私の足の間に腹立たしそうに鼻を鳴らす。私は殺された子羊のように悲鳴を上げるでしょう。

DAMARA: 私たちは一緒に私たちのお尻を持ってみましょう。共通のオーガズムに参加。すべての終わりでは、私たちを取り囲んでいる。

HORUSS: 8=D < Trying to decode your speech is quite agitating, you know.

HORUSS: 8=D < Whenever I talk to you, my system gets a little switchy.

HORUSS: 8=D < I begin to faintly channel an ancient soul from Alterniasia, and I come very close to understanding you. But then it vanishes just as quickly, and my host vessel is left with nothing but an overwhelming e%perience of perspiration.

HORUSS: 8=D < Not that I would e%pect a lowly rust b100ded singleton like you to understand.

DAMARA: もっと私を低下させる。私はほとんどそこにいる。

DAMARA: フリーク。

DAMARA: あなたは時間の領主に挑戦します。

DAMARA: あなたの哀れな軍隊は失敗しなければならない。

DAMARA: 彼はあなたの幽霊を食べるようになる。彼は現実そのものを消費するからである。

MEENAH: i think...

MEENAH: it sounded like...

MEENAH: youre tryin to wish me luck in my upcoming battle?

MEENAH: hey thanks megido

MEENAH: maybe i had you all wrong

DAMARA: ない。あなたはそうしなかった。

MEENAH: aw ive probably been a bitch to you for no reason

MEENAH: lets forget all that shit ever happened

MEENAH: hey how about a hug

MEENAH: whoa watch where youre puttin that hand!!!

DAMARA: 私は何も後悔はありません。

MEENAH: apology accepted

MEENAH: hey you get around to moving that huge quartz glacier yet

MEENAH: kind of in a hurry here