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Facilitated by

Veronica Berezowsky

At her bleeding, a woman meets her power.

During her bleeding years she practices it.

At menopause she becomes it.


- Traditional Native American saying -


Women are cyclical beings, living in a linear world.


While we change throughout the month, we are expected to be the same woman every single day.


Embark on a journey into your cyclical female body. Discover the 4 archetypes that influence your body/mind/emotions every Cycle, and heal/transform immensely by reconnecting with and honouring them.


Each session will explore the qualities of an ancient Goddess, archetypal to a phase of our menstrual cycle and of a woman’s life. By honouring the energy that each archetype triggers in us, we can connect with an immense source of inner wisdom.


Our womb is home to our creative & sexual energy and keeper of our Truth. Embracing its cyclic nature is a powerful way to step into our feminine authority and transform our relationship with ourself and others.


Sessions will include:


  • Theory

  • Conscious movement practices & womb yoga

  • Meditation & visualisation

  • Open discussions, journaling & listening partnerships

  • Dance/Movement therapy & other creative means

  • Ritual & ceremony

  • Menstrual Cycle Awareness


In between sessions, you will be supported in learning Menstrual Cycle Awareness, a deeply feminine practice that prepares us to step into our full feminine power at Menopause.


Embrace Your Shakti is an invitation* for women who are ready to commit to a deep process of transformation over 2 months, in order to (re)connect with their Inner Wisdom and own their Authority.


Dear Woman, your body mirrors the cycles of nature.

Discover its Wisdom & Embrace it! 


* The invitation is open to all who identify themselves as women and are in menstruating years, including those who aren’t menstruating/ovulating, and whether or not they have physical wombs.





Intro - Understanding why menstruation / female sexuality is taboo in a patriarchal society.

ArtemisThe Virgin - Pre Ovulation - Spring

                      Enjoying playfulness, new beginnings, lightness, innocence 


Gaia - The Mother - Ovulation - Summer 

                       Embodying expansion, abundance, sensuality, creativity, fertility 


Lilith - The Wild Woman - Pre Menstruum - Autumn



Owning our Fierceness, Truth, Shadow & Facing our Inner Critic

Hecate - The Wise Old Woman - Menstruation - Winter

 Embracing wisdom, spirit, presence, depth, death&life, clarity within darkness


Integration-Being cyclical in a linear world. Integrating the work in your daily life.


Amsterdam: June 9&10 

Copenhagen: June 17

Sweden: June 18


(each limited to 10 participants)



Amsterdam: €270 (full weekend)

Sweden: €135* (Sunday)

*700 kr if you come from Copenhagen


 25% off if you bring a friend  

(limited to 10 spaces)



About Me

Veronica Berezowsky is a Menstruality activist, coach & educator, Dance Movement Therapist, Yoga instructor and Co-Founder of CUNA Women’s Sanctuary. She aims to inspire women to embrace their cyclical nature as a way to reconnect with and own their inner wisdom in an embodied way.


“Menstruality is a subject that found me, touched me & urged me to share it with as many women as possible on this Earth. Why? Because I believe it is our gateway not only to heal our bodies/psyches, but also to bring very much needed healing to our whole planet.” 

A constant spiritual searcher, I would have never imagined to find, in my own menstrual cycle, the ultimate spiritual practice & gateway to my soul; as well as an amazing tool to generate the change I long to see in the world.


I’ve dedicated myself to study and dive deep into the subject, and have found my calling in sharing it with women & men all over the world through coaching sessions, womb healings, workshops, lectures & women circles. I am deeply grateful to all my teachers, particularly Alexandra Pope, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, Jane Bennett & Miranda Gray.


As a dance-movement therapist, yoga instructor and development worker I have also been blessed to travel the world using movement as a tool for social transformation and inclusion within community based projects, providing individual and group dance therapy to immigrants and refugees, and empowering communities in developing countries countries throughout Latin America, Africa and Asia. I currently provide trauma informed yoga for victims of violence in Vancouver, and work as Dance Therapist within Miscellaneous Productions.


Born and raised in Mexico, my passion for life, people and other cultures has driven me to travel worldwide and live in 5 other countries. My biggest goal is to touch people’s souls & inspire them (and myself) into a more fulfilling and meaningful life journey.

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