madison Computer Science

Quick Links

  • Short link to this site:

  • We use Canvas as our online classroom.

  • Course syllabi are available here and on the individual course pages.

  • STUDENTS: need a recommendation? complete this form and come see me in person

Career & Technical Education

At Madison, Computer Science is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathway, which means that students can take just a year or two to try it out, or they can choose to "major" in CS by taking at least 3 of the pathway courses.

The pathway courses focus on coding, with each course helping students understand the fundamentals of coding and apply them with progressively more sophisticated languages and projects.

CS CTE Pathway Courses

Year 0 (optional): Exploring STEM

- engineering design

- coding/game design

- 3D modeling/printing

- robotics

Year 1: AP CS Principles - Python

Year 2: AP CS - Java

Year 3 (optional): Art, Games, and Making

- teacher-assigned maker projects:

3D modeling, printing, laser cutting

- student-designed projects (coding + making)

Year 4: Senior Design

- student designed year-long coding project

What's happening @madCSpdx

Throughout the Computer Science CTE pathway, students do projects that make use of a 3D printer, laser cutter, vinyl cutter for stickers and tshirt transfers, and embroidery machine, with the intent of bringing designs created in a computer / with code into the physical world.

Once they have learned the tool, students can continue to design their own unique projects as they are inspired.

Robotic art competition - prize $$$ possible

See and for more info.