Perfect Rhythms

(Licensed Record Label:   est. 2010)

per·fect [adj., n. pur-fikt; v. per-fekt]

–adjective (referenced from


4. entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings

5. accurate, exact, or correct in every detail

9. expert; accomplished; proficient.


rhythm [n. rith-uhm]

–noun (referenced from

1. movement or procedure with uniform or patterned recurrence of abeat, accent, or the like.

2. music

a. the pattern of regular or irregular pulses caused in music by theoccurrence of strong and weak melodic and harmonic beats.


7. the pattern of recurrent strong and weak accents, vocalization andsilence, and the distribution and combination of these elements inspeech.


Perfect Rhythms, was unofficially created as a record label back in 2008, the end of the last quarter of 2007.

Chaos has been a DJ since 1994, Spinning at Clubs, Venues, and Private Parties. You may have heard Chaos back in the 90's at places like; The Roxy, Middle Earth, Blue Planet, Club Some, Hyperia, Rich's, Prague, Crystal's.

Chaos came up with the Record Label name in agreement with his partners DJ Maz & DJ Loki.

if you are interested in checking out Maz's old Albums, visit his old Blog

[ here ]

Chaos, from Houston, Texas; and, Maz &

Loki (low key), are from Chicago, Illinois. Chaos and Maz hold residency in Houston(2008), while Loki still resides in Chicago(2008).

The three started off strong, however split in 2009 and went their own ways, each with their own uniqueness of technique & skills. They had grown stronger in their abilities, than when they had first started, and now each stand strong on their own.

Chaos made Perfect Rhythms official, the first quarter of 2010..Creating in-studio remixes, and compilation mixes, for the patronizing listener's enjoyment. Currently posting his mixes here, free, for listeners to download, and enjoy the vibes of continual elaboration of perfect rhythm compilations. Chaos' goal is, to excite the listener, and to draw all crowds, to the likings of his styles, skills and techniques.


"Live Free, Dance Hard, Party Forever..."

DJ Chaos

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