Grade 1 Explorers!


Hello and welcome our website! I am so excited to start this school year and to learn more about all of the friends in our class. Below is some important information about the upcoming year. Please also take a look around the website to find out more about what this year will look like. Updates to come!

Family Survey

Please take a few minutes to fill out this family survey with your student, it will help me get to know you all! It will also go towards reviewing and updating each student’s Independent Education Plan (IEP). Click on the words to access the forms. If you have trouble with this, feel free to contact me for help


We do have the basic tools in the classroom (e.g., pencils, crayons, paper), students are welcome to bring their own tools as well. Some other things that students need:

  • Indoor shoes are recommended for safety reasons and can be left in their lockers.
  • An extra set of clothing should always be kept at school in a bag in their lockers (including socks, underwear, pants, and a shirt).
  • Headphones - I ask that each student bring in a pair of small headphones to use for working on the computers. Please send these into the class in a bag with your child’s full name labeled on the front of the bag. We do have a few extra headphones if this is not accessible for you right now. Thank you!


If you would like to make a donation to the classroom, please consider looking through what you have at home for any of the items below:

  • Old wooden toys (e.g.,. animals, building blocks)
  • Books that your child no longer reads (e.g., sets of chapter books, non-fiction books)
  • White board markers
  • Leftover paper towel rolls or other sturdy cardboard for building
  • Loose parts (e.g., beads, gems, bolts, etc.)
  • Old clean containers (e.g., coffee canisters, wooden boxes, baskets)

Housekeeping Items

  • Agendas will not be used this year. I will be using Twitter, the website and the class calendar to communicate what's happening in the classroom and school-wide.
  • Buses and Pick-up - Please email me if there are any changes in your student’s pick-up schedule (e.g., getting picked up early, taking the bus instead of getting picked up, etc.). This is extremely important for student safety and well being.
  • Homework in our classroom will be used to extend our learning from the classroom to your home life. I encourage you and your family to use the time during the week to wonder, read and explore your student's interests (i.e., going on a nature walk to collect acorns if they are interested in seeds, going to the public library to get books out about skyscrapers and planning/building one at home).
  • Snacks/Lunches must be nut-free to respect the allergies of many students at Pilgrim Wood (and in our classroom). Information about Pizza day and Lunch Lady will be coming home soon. There is no milk program this year.
  • Lockers will be shared with a partner this year. We will have a spot in the classroom for the student's lunches to help with the space in the locker.
  • Classroom Website is used to update you and your family on things happening in the classroom. I will post later in the week to share what we have been doing that week. I encourage you to look through the posts with your student and have them share what they are doing!
  • School Website - Take a look at what is going on at our school! You will find lots of information about our school here.
  • Contact - please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. You can write in the agenda, email me (, or call the school.

Coming Up

  • Open House will be coming soon!
  • Home Reading will begin in October. Until then I recommend reading everyday with your child for fun.
  • Friday Folders are folders that are sent home with work with feedback and celebrations (from me or the student) on Fridays. The work is for you to look over with your child and to send back on Monday. There will be more information about this later in September!

Looking forward to an amazing year!

Mrs. Jensen