Save Pico World!

Save Pico World!

29 de octubre de 2012
Petición para
CyberAgent America (CyberAgent America) y
Petición cerrada
Esta petición consiguió 6.353 firmas

Por qué es importante esta petición

Iniciada por Thomas Liam G

We are making this petition to ask the Pico World Staff not to close Pico World!
For most of us, it's not just a game, but a place to meet with all our friends and have a great time. We love this game, and the work the Staff have been doing since 2010, we have so many awesome memories, and we don't want it to close so soon!
We humbly ask to the Staff to please, consider other solutions to the problem they are having, other than just closing the service that means SO MUCH to thousands of people!

Petición cerrada

Esta petición consiguió 6.353 firmas

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Tomadores de decisiones

  • CyberAgent AmericaCyberAgent America
  • CyberAgentCyberAgent
  • Norishige Nagase
  • Pico World StaffCyberAgent America