Prior to the release of the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5, asynchronous socket programming was, in my opinion, too difficult in most cases to justify its use.
2022. nov. 30. · SendAsync. Run the sample client and server. Start the server application first, and then start the client application. .NET ...
2016. jún. 9. · A socket is defined as the endpoint of a two-way communication between two processes running over a network. Inter-process communication can ...
Mások ezeket a kérdéseket is felteszik
2020. júl. 23. · This article covers providing a TAP based awaitable Socket so that we can do asynchronous socket operations using the built in async / await ...
2014. márc. 17. · I recently needed an inter-process communication mechanism for a .NET project. The project consisted of multiple servers and clients with ASP.
2004. júl. 26. · Socket ) provides a set of synchronous and asynchronous methods for synchronous or asynchronous communication. As per the .NET naming convention ...
2020. jún. 12. · Hi there,. I am using .NET Core 3.1. I have a requirement to send data asynchronously via TCP. It is a collection of serialised messages( ...
2019. aug. 28. · First we create TaskCompletionSource , call selector.Register(socket, SocketEvent.Read, tcs.SetResult) , and then await tcs.Task . Eventually ...