#trackthecuts to Public Education in Ontario
Thank you for taking the time to stand up for Ontario students. The Ontario Government has  cut over $1.4 billion from public education since taking office in the fall of 2018, and announced many drastic and unpopular program changes. Now stories are emerging of classroom closures and program cancellations as these cuts begin to take effect.

This survey is designed to capture the direct impact of the funding cuts at the individual school level, by asking those who are seeing and feeling the changes most acutely—teachers, education workers, students, and parents.

Please answer the questions based on what changes are happening at your school/your children’s school(s). We will be reporting and sharing school changes/cuts only, no personal information will be made public

Created by: Toronto Centre Parents for Public Education and West End Parents for Public Education
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Your Name *
Email *
Phone Number
School Name *
School Board *
Postal Code
Your role in the school *
Change and/or cut you have noticed/witnessed in your school *
Impact or potential impact on students and/or community, e.g. the closure of the classroom means grade 1-6 students will no longer have a drumming classroom *
Do you have evidence/confirmation about the cut (eg: email from principal, etc)?
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I would like to get involved with other parents and education workers in my community to resist the cuts to public education.
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