
Thursday January 22, 2015 at 7:00 PM EST
Saturday January 24, 2015 at 3:30 PM EST

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Mercer School of Theology 
65 Fourth Street
Garden City, NY 11530

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Charles Egleston 
Mercer School |Episcopal Diocese of Long Island 
516-248-4800, ext 139 

Trinity Institute 2015 


Trinity Institute is an annual conference that equips clergy and laypersons for imaginative and catalytic leadership. Trinity Institute conferences present emerging theological perspectives and engage participants in inquiry, dialogue, and reflection. This year’s conference – TI2015: Creating Common Good – focuses on economic inequality.

Why This Year’s Topic: Economic Inequality?

Economic inequality in the United States is a pervasive, overwhelming issue. Our society is increasingly made up of have and have-nots, and this consistently widening gap represents a condition decried by the prophets, forcefully addressed by Jesus, and singled out by a number of contemporary voices in economics and public policy as a serious but correctable obstacle to human thriving. Many of us worry that we are complicit in a system that perpetuates economic inequality, and we feel uncomfortable and tense because this complicity goes against our deeply held Christian values about social justice. Many avoid the topic because taking a stand against economic inequality is difficult, and we don’t know what we can do – as individuals and as the Church – to effect change in a broken system.

TI2015 is taking on this difficult issue and bringing together an illustrious roster of speakers who have real-world experience making change happen. They will provide you with hopeful, practical tools you can use in your community to make a positive economic impact. We also know that many of our constituents are doing powerful ministries in this area, and there will be opportunities to share both success stories and challenges in small groups and networking events. The perspective of this conference is that, far from being too big to tackle (or, as some will argue, nothing to worry about) economic inequality represents a core justice issue that can be a vital focus for preaching, teaching, and social action.

What Does TI2015 Consist Of?

Talks are given by key speakers and last 20 minutes. Each talk is followed by a panel session in which panelists provide their thoughts and answer questions from the audience. During Q&A sessions, attendees at partner site may submit their questions via email to be answered by panelists in real time. After panels, participants break up into groups of 20 for reflection. Reflection groups are led by skilled facilitators and provide opportunities to arrive at a deeper understanding of the topic through peer learning, reflect on how to take new information into life and work, and build community with colleagues. Participation in reflection groups is optional, but many past participants tell us these groups are a vital part of the conference for them – they are the places where they learn experientially and make important connections.

Come and experience TI2015 @ Mercer Theology.


TI2015 presents speakers and panelists who are leading activists, theologians, authors, and experts on economic inequality. Click a name below to skip down to that person’s biography.

-The Most Rev. Justin Welby, The Archbishop of Canterbury

-Cornel West

-Barbara Ehrenreich

-Robert Reich

-The Rt. Rev. Julio Murray

-Juliet Schor

-Rachel Held Evans

-Jennifer Jones Austin

-R.R. Reno

-Nicole Baker Fulgham

-Traci West

-Amy Butler

-Douglas Meeks