Young Caymanian Leadership Award Survey
The team of YCLA thanks for you for your time and input. Your opinions will help us understand the youth's perspective on leadership which will support the modification of the YCLA criteria. This survey is 100% anonymous as we value your voice and privacy. That being said we would love to hear your opinions in depth so feel free to send us an email at to further assist in our research. There is a prize giveaway

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"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”  - John Quincy Adams
Do you consider yourself to have leadership qualities?
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If yes, what do you feel has helped or would help to further develop your leadership qualities?
This question is optional. You also have the freedom to make your response as long or short as required.
What benefits should the YCLA Award recipient receive?
What responsibilities should the YCLA Award Recipient have?
What should leaders be measured on?
Rate the importance of common leadership qualities from 1 - 5.  (5 being the most important)                                                          
Honesty and Integrity
Inspiring / Empowering
Effective Decision Making
Creativity and Innovation
Fair Delegation
Spiritual faith
Christian Values
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How do you think YCLA and its recipients can provide the most contribution to our community and the development of future leaders?
This question is optional. You also have the freedom to make your response as long or short as required.
Is there anything else you want to share about your perception or personal experience with YCLA?
Select any of the following that applies to you and enter your email address below.
Enter your email address here
Are you a Caymanian/Status Holder
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Select your age category
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Male or Female
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Thank you!
Thank you for taking the time to express your values and opinions on leadership.
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