Thank you for your interest in the Wycliffe Bible Translators ministry of Jason and Linda Hopkins. The Hopkins have been with Wycliffe since 2005. They currently serve various roles in the Ghana Sign Language translation project.

The team's work is made public here:

You can view past newsletters here:

Signup for our newsletters at the bottom of this page.

Partnership Opportunity

Missionaries do not go out on their own. They are carried into the field by the prayers, encouragement and resources of the Church. Those who send out missionaries are partners who share in both the work and the rewards of the venture. The Hopkins need people willing to support their ministry with prayer and finances.

You are invited to keep up with their work with the Deaf in Ghana by signing up to receive their newsletters. Your information is kept private.

They have two kinds of emails. The first is a general information newsletter. These only come out 2-3 times per year. The second is a prayer letter which presents more detailed information about their specific needs as needed.

You can partner with Wycliffe to support the Hopkins' work financially by check or online:

Or go online...

Write a check to:
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Please include a separate note saying:
'With preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Jason and Linda Hopkins #286005'

Mail to:
Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando FL 32862-8200

The Hopkins' have chosen to communicate using the Mailchimp service as a way keep their cost down. You can unsubscribe at any time by following the direction at the bottom of each newsletter that comes out.
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