Why Does Comedy Give Pleasure?


Zamir, Tzachi. “Why Does Comedy Give Pleasure?”. British Journal of Aesthetics 54 (2014): , 54, 175-190. Print. Copy at http://www.tinyurl.com/yyw87pma

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By way of attempting to explain comic pleasure, this paper proposes an outline for an inclusive theory of comedy -- 'inclusive' in the sense of amalgamating various past contributions that tend to be thought of as mutually exclusive. More specifically, this essay will (a) propose a teleological definition of comedy, (b) integrate seemingly competing accounts of laughter into a relatively unified explanation, (c) clarify the connection between laughter and comedy, (d) defend a flexible ontology of comic response that enables the coexistence of genuinely competing paradigms of the mind (which, in turn, underlie seemingly competing theories of comic reception), and (e) will suggest how comic pleasure forms an indispensable addition to a theory of comedy.


Series: Tragedy and Comedy. Cover Date: APR 2014.Source Info: 54(2), 175-190. Language: English. Journal Announcement: 48-4. Subject: AESTHETICS; COMEDY; INTEREST; LAUGHTER; PLEASURE; SPECTATORSHIP; TRAGEDY. Update Code: 20150211.

Last updated on 09/13/2016