Diagnosing Human Capital as a Binding Constraint to Growth: Tests, Symptoms and Prescriptions


Santos, M.A. & Hani, F., 2021. Diagnosing Human Capital as a Binding Constraint to Growth: Tests, Symptoms and Prescriptions. Cambridge University Press: Elements in the Economics of Emerging Markets. Copy at http://www.tinyurl.com/27burcns
Diagnosing Human Capital as a Binding Constraint to Growth: Tests, Symptoms and Prescriptions


The empirical literature on the contributions of human capital investments to economic growth shows mixed results. While evidence from OECD countries demonstrates that human capital accumulation is associated with growth accelerations, the substantial efforts of developing countries to improve access to and quality of education, as a means for skill accumulation, did not translate into higher income per capita. In this Element, we propose a framework, building on the principles of 'growth diagnostics', to enable practitioners to determine whether human capital investments are a priority for a country's growth strategy. We then discuss and exemplify different tests to diagnose human capital in a place, drawing on the Harvard Growth Lab's experience in different development context, and discuss various policy options to address skill shortages.


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Keywords: human capital, skills, economic growth, Growth Diagnostics, developing countries
Last updated on 09/20/2022