Life in the U.S. (Zoom) Series: Fall 2020                                
Life in the U.S. is an interactive and educational series that helps international students learn about different areas of U.S. culture. This series will inform international students about entertainment, holidays, games, and many more topics that are part of living in the U.S. ALL STUDENTS & SCHOLARS ARE WELCOME TO JOIN!


Sign up to attend any zoom series you are interested in joining! We will send you the zoom meeting link after you sign-up.

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"Online Studying/Learning Tools": Week 3, Tuesday, October 20th, 5:00pm-6:00pm (PST) *
Get some tips on how to study online and learning tools to succeed in your classes!
"Food & Tech.": Week 5, Tuesday, November 3rd, 5:00pm-6:00pm (PST) *
Learn about the different apps available in the U.S. to order and deliver some of your favorite foods! UCI Dining will also share tips on how to utilize their delivery systems and access their various services.
"Game/Trivia Night": Week 7, Tuesday, November 17th, 5:00pm-6:00pm (PST) *
To begin our celebration of International Education Week (Nov. 16th-Nov. 20th), join us for a fun night of Games and Trivia!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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