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FemTechnology University Series

FemTechnology University Series is building the pipeline of innovation in women's health by supporting and connecting the next generation of builders and investigators.

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In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
First + Last Name *
Affiliation (Name of Company, Startup, University, Institution etc.) *
What do you do? *
How did you find out about the University Series? *
Select the option that applies to you:  *
Are you interested in working with FemTechnology Summit? If so, how?
What type of research in women's health are you working on?  *
Are you alright with us sharing the type of research you are working on?  *
Would you be interested in presenting your research at the event or afterwards?
More Context
The following questions are not mandatory to fill out in order to register but our aim is to help support innovation in women's health to the best of our ability. 

The more we know about the challenges you face in the process (so the more specific you get) and what you would like to achieve in a dream scenario, the better we can help support you. 

Any and all information you provide is immensely helpful. 
What is your largest pain-point when it comes to working in women’s health? 
Eg securing funding, collaborating with other researchers in women’s health, difficulty recruiting people for studies, other ...  
When did you last encounter this (describe a specific instance)
What made that particularly challenging?
What have you done to overcome this challenge?
Do you have any plans to "translate" your research/ have potential applications for your research in mind already? 
Are there any Femtech Startups you are particularly excited about or would like to collaborate with? 
What component of your research do you wish more people knew about?
Anything else you think we should know?
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