Urge Adrian College to Disinvite Riley Gaines from Commencement Ceremony

Urge Adrian College to Disinvite Riley Gaines from Commencement Ceremony

March 12, 2024
Signatures: 2,095Next Goal: 2,500
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Why this petition matters

Started by Safe Place

We, as a club dedicated to LGBTQIA+ rights and the prevention of injustices on campus, are deeply concerned about the decision of Adrian College in Michigan to invite Riley Gaines as a speaker for this year's commencement ceremony. This decision is not only inappropriate but also discredits the graduates who may be in alliance with or a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. 

Riley Gaines has been known for her controversial stands that are far from inclusive. Her presence at such an important event could potentially harm those who support or belong to our community. We must create an environment where everyone feels respected and valued, especially during such significant moments as graduation.

According to the Human Rights Campaign, 4 out of 10 LGBT students report being bullied at school (Human Rights Campaign). By inviting someone with controversial views on inclusivity, we risk further alienating these students and creating an environment that doesn't respect their identities.

We urge Adrian College administration to reconsider their choice of speaker for this year's commencement ceremony. Let us ensure our graduation is a celebration that respects all students' identities and values inclusivity above all else.

Please sign this petition if you believe in creating safe spaces for all members of our community at Adrian College.

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Signatures: 2,095Next Goal: 2,500
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