Wounded Healers Virtual Group
In our lifetime, it’s never been more challenging to be a mental health professional. Our jobs, our clients, and our communities place various demands on our energy and spirit. But in order to offer our best, I believe we must take care of ourselves and do our inner work as well. As wounded healers, we are called to attend to our own recovery and transformation in order to support the healing of others.

Led by Sarah Buino, Wounded Healers Virtual Group is an 8-week group for mental health professionals. In this group we will create a sacred container to support one another’s healing – integrating spirituality, principles of the neuroaffective relational model (NARM), shame-resilience, and liberation psychology. We will use the chakra system as a frame for our weekly meetings.

Meetings will occur on Zoom Tuesday evenings 6-7:30pm CST (4-5:30 PST/7-8:30 EST) starting June 7, 2022.
See cost options below.

This group is open to working professionals, folks who are retired or on hiatus from the field, and students currently studying social work, counseling, or related fields. Limited to 10 participants.

After completing this form, our team will reach out to connect via an asynchronous video app called Marco Polo. It will give us a chance to get to know you and make sure this group is a good fit for you and what you're looking for.

Once the Marco Polo connection is complete, our team will send consent forms, share an invoice for payment, and provide the Zoom link for the group.
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Please share your name, pronouns, and email address. *
What's your cell phone number? (Needed to connect over Marco Polo. We won't add you to any lists or call you unless it's a scheduled call.) *
How did you hear about this group? *
Are you currently engaged in individual therapy? (It is HIGHLY encouraged that you're working with a therapist during this group.) *
What type of mental health setting do you currently work/study in or are retired/on hiatus from? *
How would you define your role? (I.E. therapist, paraprofessional, administrative support, management, etc.) *
What do you hope to gain from this group? *
Do you have any concerns about your ability to participate fully in an 8-week virtual group? *
Have you participated in any sort of group work before? If so, please share your previous experiences. (12-step counts!) *
Do you have any accessibility needs for a virtual group? (If so, our team will follow up for specific accommodations.) *
Economic Justice Pricing
The price of the group considers my energy, time, education and experience; however I want to make this group accessible to those who don't have the funds to cover the full price cost. The economic justice pricing intends to support those who have experienced systemic economic injustice or who are currently experiencing financial strain. Please read the categories below and determine your contribution capacity honestly and fairly.

$750 - Consider this price if you identify with the following: if you are single/have no dependents, are able to pay your student loans or have paid off your student debt, have employer health insurance and other benefits, have reliable transportation, are able to take time off work without worrying how your bills will be paid, travel when needed (such as for family emergencies)

$850 - Consider this price if you identify with the above as well as: you own the home you live in, live in a dual income household, you have investment accounts or inherited money, travel for recreation, have access to family financial support in times of need, work part time or are unemployed by choice (potentially due to attending school full time), have a relatively high earning power due to level of education (or gender, racial privilege, class background, etc)

$650 - Consider this price if you identify with the following: you are supporting children and other dependents, have significant debt, have medical expenses not covered by insurance, are eligible for public assistance, have immigration-related expenses, are an unpaid community organizer, are descended from enslaved people or Native Americans

Take an extra 10% off your total fee if you pay using Zelle/Chase Quickpay or check. $50 off for currently contributing Patreon members.
Economic Justice Payment Options (choose your base price and additional options for either donation or discounts) *
How would you like to pay? *
I understand that my payment is non-refundable even if I opt not to attend all eight group sessions. *
Is there anything we didn't ask you that's important for us to know? *
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