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Camp Mitchell
The Camp Mitchell Working Group is considering how camp might operate in the future. We are requesting your feedback in order to gauge the values of camp as a ministry, formation needs, financial and other types of support, as well as communications preferences from the members of the Diocese. The survey can be anonymous, but there is the option to provide your contact information at the end. Thank you for prayerfully considering Camp Mitchell's future with us.
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Which of the following do you feel are essential ministries of Camp Mitchell in the future? Select all that apply.
For our purposes, we define formation as, "the lifelong process of growing in relationship with God, self, others, and all creation." What do you see as the formation needs of the diocese at this time and in the future?
How can CM improve formation, education, & outreach to the greater community?
How have you donated to Camp Mitchell in the past?
What would hinder your inclination to give to Camp Mitchell?
When was the last time you or a family member attended an event at Camp Mitchell?
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If you have not been a participant at Camp Mitchell, what has kept you or your family from attending events at Camp Mitchell?
How best can Camp Mitchell communicate with you in the future? Please select up to three.
How are you willing to partner with camp in the mission moving forward?
If you want to be more involved, please include your contact information.
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