Get immediate relief easing your physical, emotional, mental, and karmic ailments that are simply beyond belief.

How to Book a Session with BrianTheHealer

Get back to your True Self with energy field non-invasive surgery.

Fix your karma to expand your possibilities.

Learn the spiritual architecture of Creation through consciously channeled wisdom lost through the ages.

Clear emotional entanglements that lead to physical pain, emotional instability, and mental fogginess.

The bad things happening to you and your network are a byproduct of misaligned emotional entanglements from people past, present, living or dead, far and near who have polluted your natural karma. BrianTheHealer can do a remote MRI of your aura health in great nuance. He can then remove what energies are not your own in your body, remotely. This is a completely different methodology that is unique to Brian's Kabbalah teachings and personal gifts for healing your energy and introducing healthy karma.


BrianTheHealer goes beyond healing to accelerate your spiritual ascension with an energetic realignment and kickstart. His teachings provide you sacred channeled wisdom to increase your awareness of how energetics affect your physical, emotional, and mental health. He enables you to practice Free Will- by developing resistance in your body, mind and spiritual fields. He empowers you to help yourself with practices to love yourself more and have more of yourself to love.

BrianTheHealer offers his energy and time in service to humanity. He is committed to unleashing our ability to love ourselves and love each other.


About BrianTheHealer: Bio

Types of Energetic Healing and Optimization Services

Frequently Asked Questions about BrianTheHealer's Remote Healing

How to Book a Session with BrianTheHealer

TIPS: Before, during, after healing sessions

My Karmic Contract for healing sessions