davisburg road is now closed at mill pond park for road reconstruction. click here for details

Neighbor for Neighbor

Funded by local donations, Neighbor For Neighbor is a non-profit assistance center that offers help to those individuals in need of food, clothing and/or assistance with their utilities or housing.  Neighbor For Neighbor is open on Mondays from 8:30 to 11:30 am and on Wednesdays from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm.  Food is distributed on Wednesdays only.  Neighbor For Neighbor serves individuals and families residing in Springfield, Holly, Groveland and Rose Townships and limited areas of Independence and White Lake Townships.  For additional information, please contact:

Neighbor For Neighbor

P.O. Box 235
(located in the back of the Hart Community Center)
Phone #:  248-634-0900