Your soul is your best friend. Treat it with care, nurture it with growth, feed it with love.

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Oro Valley Rec Center

LIMITED SUMMER SCHEDULE Tuesdays @ 7:30a - Yin Yoga

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Sun City Yoga Club

SUMMER BREAK *Private class, must be Sun City resident* Contact:

I was introduced to yoga in 2007 as a college course. Upon graduating -ironically with a business degree- I cycled through different cities and careers, keeping my new yoga hobby nearby. In 2015 I expanded my practice by trading cleaning, for a yoga studio membership. I attended as many classes as I could, immersing myself into new styles like Kundalini, and familiar favorites, like Yin & Restorative.

While my personal practice ranges anywhere from aerial yoga to meditation, I typically teach yoga for the nervous system. A gentler, mindful approach, focused on physical safety first, and tapping into our intuition, and moving more freely and somatically. My goal is simple- for you to feel better leaving my class, than when you arrived. Bonus if you learn something about yourself along the way.

To me, yoga is my commitment to myself. It is my safety net. It grounds me into my body, and onto this physical Earth. My mat is a sacred space where I get to truly connect to my inner love & light, my consciousness & oneness, and to meditate/travel to spaces beyond.

I am a forever student, dedicated to my continued education in yoga, asana, philosophy, neuroscience, and so much more. I completed my 200 RYT study 1:1 with Evelyn Steeb @ Body in Balance Yoga, and received my Yin Yoga certificate from Yoga International; studying under Bernie Clark. I've also received certificates in Trauma Informed Yoga, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Restorative Yoga, Usui Reiki, and end of life Doula.

When not on the mat, you can find me obsessing over 10k steps a day, planning my next trip to the ocean, and eating tacos!

RYT 200

Body in Balance Yoga - Evelyn Steeb

Certificate in Trauma-Informed Yoga (TIY)

Authentic Yoga

Michelle Villegas-Gold, PHD

Yin Yoga

Yoga International - Bernie Clark

Restorative Yoga

The Yoga Connection - Priscilla Potter

Usui Reiki Master

Melissa Crowhurst

Yoga Nidra

Authentic Yoga - Cheryl Oliver



End of Life Doula