Bettendorf Elementary Orchestras


These are the dates/times reserved for performances at this time. Please plan for students to attend all of their respective performances and we will notify you in the unlikely event of any changes. Please contact an orchestra teacher as soon as possible should your student be unable to attend any of the performances using the QR code to the right or the information below.

Ms. Graciela Burroughs:, Text: 563-484-0430

Mrs. Carla Gonyo: 

*All concerts will be in the Bettendorf High School Performing Arts Center (PAC).*

DATE AND TIME: EVENT:             

Thursday, October 19, 6:00pm 5th Grade Hauntcert with middle/high school

Monday, November 13, 6:00pm 4th Grade First Concert

Thursday, February 8, 6:00pm Winter Concert: 4th and 5th Grades with middle/high school

Thursday, May 16, 6:00pm Elementary Band and Orchestra Spring Concert: 4th and 5th Grades with 5th grade band

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates on what is happening in the orchestra department!