Free activities to do in winter with kids

1. Visit your local parks

Wrap up warm and go and have fun at your local park. Enjoy the swings, slides and having a run around. Some local parks will even have free winter displays and Christmas activities.

2. Go on a winter nature walk

There's so much to see in winter and nature can look so different in the cold compared to other seasons. From trees to birds, snow and ice and the amazing different smells. Get out and about and see what you can find on a nature walk. 

3. Check out your local library

Libraries are great places to visit and they often hold free baby and toddler sessions where you can meet other parents with children – something that can be difficult, especially in the winter months. Otherwise you can just visit and borrow many different types of books, for free, and then enjoy cuddling up and reading exciting stories together.

4. Enjoy a family bike ride

Enjoy the fresh air and get out on your bikes. Make sure you are all wrapped up warm and you have gloves on, as the handlebars will get cold quickly, and adjust your helmets, so you can still wear a hat. For the little ones who will be travelling in a trailer, make sure they are wrapped up and cosy with blankets and even a hot water bottle.

5. Visit a museum

It is cold, probably wet, maybe even snowing and you just don’t fancy being outside, but you want to get out of the house. Museums are such great places to visit and with many being free, you can have a great day out, while also being indoors. Check out our free museum finder to see what is near you.

6. Enjoy the snow (if you have any)

If you have had a good amount of snow, then get out and go sledging. It is best (and safer) to visit a local park or public field, away from the road and cars. Don't worry if you don't have a sled, as you can still enjoy the snow by making snowmen and creating snow angels.

7. Play a game together

If you need something to do at home why not play a game. Two people can play Waffle and Friends at the same time, so team up with your little one to play the game and help Waffle find the missing items. 

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